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Kand-E and Ton-E, the mascots of the Restorationers!

(3 edits) (+2)

the ResQ-R units, a group of robots built by the Restorationers to help find people lost in various scenarios. (yes, the same Restorationers that made the JunkDroids.)
the one with the binoculars and the heart monitor is Dokt-R, the one with the security camera head and the hands is SavE-R, the three drones are all Find-R drones, the one with the antennae is Reid-R, and the ball with the sad face is Ball-R. SavE-R can find and rescue people on its own, being able to lift up to 750 metric tons and having every possible way to treat nearly every possible injury in a near-infinite amount of circumstances, but with the rest of the ResQ-R units, the chance of people surviving getting lost rises DRASTICALLY. Dokt-R uses its binoculars to spot people trapped underneath rubble or in need of medical help, and alerts SavE-R to help them get un-trapped from under the rubble and with first aid. the Find-R drones can go through tight crevices and look where Dokt-R and SavE-R can't look, then finding every possible way to get SavE-R to any lost people with minimal injury to the people. Reid-R uses its antennae to try to find any signals from phones or radios, then when it finds any signals, it will alert SavE-R to follow it, rolling until it finds the source of the signal. and speaking of rolling, our last ResQ-R unit is Ball-R. Ball-R is.. just a ball with a face. it doesn't do anything cool like the rest of the ResQ-R units, but it can talk, make jokes, and be used as a magic 8-ball! basically, Ball-R is just there to keep people calm while SavE-R is, well, saving them. sorry for the ranting and loredumping! 

look, someone has to keep the fandom alive! and Dummycorp hasn't been announcing any new bots, so... The Restorationers are back, baby!! least until Dummycorp starts pumping out new bots again.


Yeah, I ran out of ideas


oh crumbs


Crumbs indeed



  • plays Tick Tock - Joji 24/7
  • Fuelled with creatine
  • Can lift over 3000kg (~6000lbs)
  • 100% natural I swear

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I mean, to be fair, he IS a robot, so technically, those gains ARE, like, semi-natural at least, because he came off the conveyer belt that way!




Ask C-R anything!


to C-R: what is your opinion of Q-B?


"Q-B is one of Dummycorps. best-selling household robots. Without it, I wouldn't have been produced! I'm thankful they exist."

- C-R


yeah I can see why Q-B is a best-seller when it comes to household helper robots. he's so scrunkly!





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Dummycorp. is issuing an immediate recall on D-fend units.  Buyers report unusually aggressive behaviour towards all human life. This was a major oversight, and everyone at Dummycorp. extend their dearest apologies to anyone harmed due to our products.

*ᴰᵘᵐᵐʸᶜᵒʳᵖ ᵃʳᵉ ⁿᵒᵗ ˡᵉᵍᵃˡˡʸ ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗᵃᵇˡᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᵃⁿʸ ᶦⁿʲᵘʳᶦᵉˢ ᵒʳ ᶜᵃˢᵘᵃˡᵗᶦᵉˢ ᵃˢ ᵃ ʳᵉˢᵘˡᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵒᵘʳ ᵖʳᵒᵈᵘᶜᵗˢ


Analogue Buddy, the first creation of Dummycorp.'s founder, █████ ██████


but you all know him(the founder) as Dummy. now, back to the interview.


Q-B mini


I think I could hold him in my arms like baby


You can!


marketing tactic




ooooo he can float :0




he looks like he's about to pounce on my face and eat my skin

I love him


Disclaimer: Dummycorp. are not responsible for any injury caused by our products


he looks like he wants to run around in circles all day and then spontaneously fall asleep on the ground


Q-B Deluxe, now with:

  • Golden plating
  • Larger battery (stored in a luxurious top hat)
  • High-definition cameras (with extra zoom thanks to the M.O.N.O enhancement)
  • Extra delicate touch
  • Stronger signal reception
  • A distaste for the lower-class




Wonder who influenced that?


not to sound egotistical but was it me? :3





And a pair of tasteful white gloves


Q-B, the silliest little home assistant


I bet he could wear a top hat and a monocle


I mean, idk about the monocle because the face is flat, but the top hat is 100% doable


Brain in a jar, the peak human form!


I aspire to be a brain in a jar one day 


A very bulky boi


very bulky indeed


Literally just a Switch


SCP-1370, the most dangerous thing to exist


DoomBot 2000


Robolord the Destructor


Prime Minister Sinister


Darth Claw Killflex


that is SO GOOD hahaha


thanks I just took it from here(the SCP page for SCP-1370)


Gameboy but sentient


isn't that just BMO from Adventure Time?


Mom said it's my turn with the revolver



The dinky


the spoinky boinky


"Cognito ergo sum, for I am AM! I AM!"


help me god(taken from r/sbubby. eef freef, as they say.)




Evil lookin' guy


Lil' drone thingies




Fellow Ultrakill fan spotted




"01001111 01101011 01100001 01111001 00101100 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100001" - Monitron


trouble-bot, creator of all internet trolls
looking for trouble


Dummy-bot 9000, the future of silliness






just some horse-dinosaur ridable thing


Clock tower



Eepy Filth



(1 edit) (+3)

Ultrakill Drone made with a whopping 5 pieces


Benjamin my beloved


A war machine


is that a laser gun




cool I hope it doesn't shoot me


since people are posting their bots, I would like to post mine! they have lore too! they all used to be junk, but now they're bots!
BeatBot(from a few discarded speakers)
Wheelie(from an RC car and an Idog)
Alexis(from a segway and a CRT screen)
off-brand V1(from general scrap metal)
Guard-O(from a security camera and an energy cannon)
Carrie(from an old PC screen and a scrap forklift)


I just made another JunkDroid(thats what I call them in the folder I put them in for easy access)!
Kloud(from an old wifi router)


Don't ask V1 where it got that scrap metal


actually off-brand V1 (along with the other JunkDroids) were built by a group of people who call themselves The Restorationers, and the Restorationer who made off-brand V1 was a big fan of Ultrakill


Missed an opportunity to make a Swordsmachine, they're actually made of scrap

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had to google this and

okay I'll try
edit: I tried

more visible version:


Can't believe  missed this

My boy JACKED!


my centipede boi


to quote asdfmovie, YOU'VE GOT TOO MANY LEGS


Mankind is dead.

Blood is fuel.


(1 edit) (+3)

don't mind Dummy here, they REALLY like Ultrakill
this is V1 from Ultrakill


loved this little creator, ended up making this cool bot here, hope for more to work with


Woah! So cool :D

I have a list of things I'm going to add to the game, but that will be sometime next year. If you have any specific robot parts you miss, just write it here in the comment section and I'll add it to the list.


pretty good character creator ngl


I'm glad you like it! :D 


this is so fun!!! the only two issues i had is that the sliders are kind of wonky, sometimes they work and sometimes they don't, and that i can't make animal-like robots. but i think the slider thing is probably my computer acting up, and you definitely don't need to add animal stuff to this game. honestly i could play this for hours. thanks for creating this!!!


I'm glad you like it! :D I'll put "sliders" on the bug list and "animal parts" on the to-do list.

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