Version 1.0 - first release

This began as a small project in April, just me playing around with code, trying to make a more advanced creator-game. It was planned to be released in May, but I ended up adding more and more functions, and before I knew it, summer is almost over and I'm still coding...

This game (or maybe it's a tool, or a program, or ... call it whatever you want) is still not finished. I see this more as an early prototype. It has the basic functions I want, and it has a couple of robot parts of each category - enough to create some robots, but probably not enough to go really wild with the creativity.

Version 1.2 will include more robot parts and a better color picker (16 colors just isn't enough). The update probably won't happen until next year, because of life ... and other coding projects I've postponed.

If you encounter any weird bugs (there are a few I know of), or if you have any suggestions for functions, pixel size, or robot parts -  feel free to write something in the comment section below, or in the comment section on the game page, and I'll see what I can do. 

Bye for now!
I'm heading out (literally), to see if the trees still have any green leaves left...


Pixel Robot Creator - Play in browser
41 days ago
Pixel Robot 25 MB
41 days ago

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